Pangio sp. loaches

Pangio sp. loaches
Made of custom printed soft faux velvet fabric to my own design, sewn and stuffed with polyester stuffing and recycled plastic beans for weight. They have plastic metallic safety eyes and nylon barbels.
These plushies will come with a certificate of authenticity, detailling their species, the date they were made and proving that they are an original Palaeoplushie handmade in the UK and designed by Rebecca Groom.
As this is a hand made item, it is not intended for children and is designed to be an art piece for adults. As they are stitched by machine, they won't fall apart if handled roughly but have not passed the relevant safety standards to be sold as a child's toy.
These plushie pangio loaches are all in scale with one another, at roughly 5x the size of the real loaches! These are also in-scale with the Large size Pangio kuhlii plushies I have made previously (can be seen here).
Species & Plush Sizes:
Pangio alternans - 38cm
Pangio anguillaris - 60cm
Pangio cuneovirgata - 27cm
Pangio doriae - 49cm
Pangio myersi - 51 cm
Pangio myersi (leucistic) - 51 cm
Pangio oblonga - 37cm
Pangio piperata - 33cm
Pangio semicincta - 47cm
Pangio kuhlii - 47cm (This is the original Palaeoplushies “Kuhli loach” design and comes in 2 slight variations. Scientifically, P. kuhlii might not be valid and may actually be P. semicincta!)