Ancistrus sp. - Male Bristlenose Pleco

Ancistrus sp. - Male Bristlenose Pleco


These plushies are 30cm long and feature a suction cup mouth to allow them to stick to glass and other flat surfaces. They are made of custom printed soft velvet fabric to my own design, sewn and stuffed with polyester stuffing. They have plastic safety eyes. Please do not immerse in water, this isn't a real fish!

These plushies will come with a certificate of authenticity, detailling their species, the date they were made and proving that they are an original Palaeoplushie designed in Scotland by Rebecca Groom.

As this is a hand made item, it is not intended for children and is designed to be an art piece for adult collectors over the age of 14. As they are stitched by machine, they won't fall apart if handled roughly but have not passed the relevant safety standards to be sold as a child's toy.

Plushie Dimensions: 30cm long
Description: The Bristlenose Pleco or Bristlenose Catfish commonly kept in aquaria belongs to the genus Ancistrus, but the exact species this fish belongs to is unknown- it’s possible that it is a hybrid between two or more wild Ancistrus species.

Males have “bristly” noses whilst females tend to have smoother faces. After mating, the males look after the eggs and protect the young until they have absorbed their yolk sacks and are able to fend for themselves.

Bristlenoses have been selected by hobbyists to display a variety of colours as well as different fin lengths.

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